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Preserving Tradition: A Guide to Authentic Sicilian Stuffed Artichokes

Meghan Birnbaum has been sharing food as @meghanitup since March 2020, when her newly remodeled kitchen provided the perfect backdrop for showcasing recipes. Many of these dishes and desserts were inspired by her Palermo-born grandmother's culinary creations. Meghan's favorite? Stuffed artichokes (carciofi ripieni).

"They were a meal, and we each got one, except my dad and I would share one," she remembers. "He would always give me the heart; it's so symbolic. He gave me his heart, and that's the best part."


Through her "Authentic Sicilian Stuffed Artichokes" recipe, Meghan hopes to share the love. We recently chatted about her rendition of this traditional dish, sourcing ingredients, selecting and preparing artichokes, the best way to cook these vegetables, and more.


Tell us about your grandmother and how she inspired this recipe.

My grandma came through Ellis Island with her dad and her mom and then moved to St. Louis. She had two sisters and a brother. Her brother went to World War II and didn't come home; it was just her and her sisters. They each bought a house, and the backyards all backed up into each other's, so they essentially shared a yard.


My grandpa was a sheet metal worker, and my grandma was the cook of the family. She had four kids. She didn't know how to drive. She never had a job. She just took care of the family. 


She watched me as a kid while my parents were working. My grandma didn't write down any of her recipes, so I am recreating everything my family and I remember based on taste, smell, and feel. It took me a while to get this recipe down.


Peak artichoke season is June through September, but supermarkets carry them year-round.

How do you source your ingredients?

Living in Southern California has many advantages. We have many great farmers markets, and then we have Eataly. That's obviously not available to everybody, but I mean, there are a lot of stores; even in St. Louis, where I grew up, there's a little meat market called Mannino's. It's an Italian market, and you just start talking to people about their connection to Italy. They'll tell you, "These are the best breadcrumbs" or "This is the best bread." 


How do you select artichokes?

You're going to want a big, round artichoke. And if the leaves have kind of moved away from the center, it's going to be even easier to make. The tighter and the smaller, the harder it is to prep and stuff. The bigger and more bloomed, the easier it'll be to do that.


Trimmed artichokes photo by Meghan Birnbaum

Walk us through how you prepare the artichokes for cooking.

Having the right tools is really important. When I prepare artichokes, I use three different kinds of knives and a peeler. You also have to trim the leaves, so I use scissors.


I use a pretty big knife to cut the top off. You want a sharp, heavy-duty knife. It's pretty tough to get through, and it's not stable because the artichoke is round and on its side. You want to have something that can cut through pretty well. Then, I use a paring knife to cut the bottom and a peeler to thin out the skin on the stem. 

I recommend a bucket or a bowl of water with lemon juice in it to prevent the artichokes from browning. The artichokes will brown regardless of what you do, but this minimizes that. 

It's kind of labor intensive, but I feel like I've gotten it down and find it very therapeutic. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. But preparing the artichoke is definitely the hardest part because of how many steps and tools you need just to get it done. 


That gets rid of all the prickly parts except for the heart, which is difficult to reach. If somebody tells you to remove the heart and the center of the artichoke before it's cooked, I don't know if they've done that before because it's really impossible. You should steam it for 10 to 15 minutes before you use a spoon to remove those parts. 


Breadcrumbs make this recipe Sicilian. Photo by Meghan Birnbaum.

Do you have any tips for preparing the artichoke stuffing?

It's truly just garlic in olive oil until you can smell it, and then I put in the breadcrumbs. It has to be on a medium to low heat, and you cannot walk away. You need to just constantly stir. The second you see color on those breadcrumbs, you kill the heat and keep stirring. It's going to keep browning. 


Add two inches of water to the pan. Photo by Meghan Birnbaum.

What's the best way to cook stuffed artichokes?

My favorite is just steaming them, and I've done it a few different ways. Sometimes, when I steam them, the water rises too high and kind of goes over the top, so the breadcrumbs on the top become mushy, which is fine. It's mushy on the inside, too, and that's a good texture. So if one batch boils over and it gets mushy, I'm still going to enjoy it. But I love it when I steam it just enough that it doesn't get to the top, and the top is still brown and crispy. When it's gotten mushy on top, I put it in the oven afterward to crisp it, but it's kind of a lost cause at that point if there's too much water on the top of the breadcrumbs. 

I have baked before. That was a more fool-proof method. If you want to make sure you just get crispiness on it, you just put a little water into the pan, and then it'll steam and bake at the same time. 


What do you hope people will take away from this recipe?

It's an intimidating recipe, but it's also one that you just don't find in restaurants. So I hope that people will feel encouraged to make this and know that they can make traditional recipes that are not restaurant recipes but rather home recipes.


It uses fresh, homegrown ingredients with very Mediterranean vibes. Homemade bread does not go to waste because you're grinding it into breadcrumbs. You're also really utilizing the harvest of the olives and the olive oil. It is like a little Mediterranean treat using what the resources and the produce available have to offer.


>>Get Meghan's full stuffed artichokes recipe here!<<



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Rebuilding After Hurricane Helene: One Baker’s Sweet Journey of Resilience and Heritage

The deadliest hurricane to strike the mainland U.S. since 2005's Katrina, Helene caused widespread and catastrophic damage, wrecking thousands of homes in the Tampa area alone.


"Our whole home was flooded," says Tampa-area resident Victoria Mahdieh, who counts herself among the luckier ones. "Our cars were totaled, and we lost almost everything. It's been a journey, so I've had to start from scratch."


But she wasn't about to lose her business. For the past decade, the owner of SugarBar Tampa has baked and decorated custom cookies and cakes out of her cottage kitchen.


Sure, she had to buy all new appliances. And she's had to scale back a bit; she doesn't have the same room in her new space in Carrollwood.


But it's temporary, she says. "We're building it back little by little."


Victoria is used to facing challenges. She built her business from the ground up, doing everything from baking and designing to packaging. She's grateful for the help of her family, who has pitched in on many occasions, like that time when she baked 1,000 cookies for the Chamber of Commerce, and they acted as an assembly line.


She may have inherited her drive from her great-grandparents. All four came from Sicily. One great-grandfather became a land developer, learned English, and became Ybor City's first Italian councilman. And one of her great-grandmothers rolled cigars when she was 14, standing on a stool at one of the town's many cigar factories.


But it's her paternal grandmother whom she credits for shaping her into the baking businesswoman she's become. Victoria shared more about her hero, her journey, how she ensures her baked goods look and taste good (not an easy feat!), how she engages her community, advice for budding bakers, and what keeps her motivated.



Tell us about how your grandmother inspired you.

My grandmother was the best Italian cook you'd ever know. And I used to kneel on a chair, grating cheese, as she cooked pots of sauce and meatballs on Sunday afternoons. I always watched her in the kitchen and still have many of her cooking utensils. The most precious of which are the heart-shaped cake pans she used to make my birthday cakes as a child. I use them often.


She was a huge nurturer, and I inherited that gene from her. She always expressed her love through the food she served. So that definitely was part of our household and still is.  


She once made 2,000 meatballs for the Tampa Boys Club. She always baked cakes and goodies for the Catholic Women's Club and many school fundraisers and events. And I've always loved to do that kind of thing as well. And I always went in a little "extra" for my kids' birthday cakes when they were growing up or making pizzas with their classes on career day. So, it kind of went from there and developed over the years. Also, my husband and I were in the restaurant business for many years, so it's always just been in my blood.


Tell us about that journey from restaurants to baking.

It pretty much happened organically. When we left the restaurant business, my husband opened a small car dealership. My oldest daughter became engaged, and her friends started getting married. I would make their cakes and decorative cookies for showers and parties. At some of those events, people asked if they could order from me, and I thought, "Wow! People will actually pay me to do this."


Then we started doing markets and trunk shows, and it just grew from there. Now, it's a regular full-time business. I'm doing something I love to do, and I get to create and make people happy. 




How do you ensure your baked goods are both beautiful and delicious?

I just use the best quality ingredients and recipes I've developed that work best for me. With some designs, I ask myself, "Why did I say I could do that?" But somehow, with prayer and perseverance, it always works out. So, we keep on going through trial and error. When some things don't work, you just start over and do it again.


I've learned to say no to things I don't enjoy doing. Covering cakes with fondant is one of them. I love to make accessories with fondant, but I prefer covering them with buttercream. So, that's what I do.


The designs just come from the inspiration of the theme, methods I've seen and tried, the client's wish list, and what they envision it to be. 


What have been your most memorable creations, and why do they stand out?

There was one: a four-tier wedding cake that I had to deliver to a hotel in Channelside. It was pouring down rain, the wind was blowing, and the whole time, I was thinking, "Oh my gosh, how am I going to get this cake in there safely?!"


When I got there, the sun came out, and suddenly, a strong and tall valet was standing behind me and said, "Can I help you?" 

It was like God sent him to me that day, as he helped me carry that heavy cake all the way to the banquet room and even helped me situate it on the table. Mission accomplished.


How do you engage your community?

Just by putting out a good product and being approachable and friendly, I now have a great customer base who just keep coming back and referring their friends. The best way is word of mouth. So if you put forth a good product, business tends to come.


Several customers have been with me since their children were small. And one of them just turned 13. It's fun to watch how she's changed her style as she's grown up from a little girl to a teenager. It's also fun to follow people from engagement parties to bridal showers to weddings, baby showers, gender reveals, et cetera. 




What advice would you give someone starting in the baking industry?

Just keep trying. Go forward. Don't be afraid to take risks; just do it.


Things tend to fall into place. Do your best and use the best ingredients you can find and learn by watching videos and learning new and different techniques. Go to marketplaces and try to get yourself out there so people get to know you. Don't be afraid to give a few things away; it helps to engage people and lets them try your product. If I have a new product or flavor, I will offer a taste when they come to pick up their order. Nine times out of 10, they end up placing an order for it the next time.


I would also trade products at one of the markets. I would trade my baklava for organic honey from a local vendor and share things with others. It gradually comes together.


What keeps you motivated?

The joy it brings people makes all those hard hours worth it. There are many 14-hour days, Christmas, graduation, and other seasons that are so busy you barely have time to breathe. But knowing that it's bringing people joy and putting smiles on their faces makes me happy, too. That it made their event that much sweeter is the icing on the cake. 






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